The Issaquah studio is now closed, and everything has been packed up and moved to my tiny home studio. I’m still making things, and you will see me around. Follow @andsothere for pretty pictures and updates!

My one-year lease on the Studio + TinyShop in Downtown Issaquah was up at the end of January. It was SO FUN to be in the space, but it was time for me and the big ol’ press to move on.
In January, I moved things into storage and my home studio. Most of my items will not be reprinted as they are. I plan to continue to run the Historic Shell Holiday Shop each year (and might invent some other pop-ups), and of course I will make new things, but in general I’ll be moving a smaller, quieter artistic process the rest of the year.
What the future holds…
So many things! I am looking forward to slowing down a little, and spending more time and thought on my pieces. I am excited to have a little more time to respond to material and process, and be more thoughtful about WHAT I’m making. The world is a weird place for a working artist– you’ve got social media fads, rising rents, material shortages, AI ripoffs, and a million businesses ready to make money off your hard work… I’m ready to embrace the positive parts of making, and to continue to make my own way in the world.
I expect to make more special, limited-run items, do more custom work and collaborations, and will focus production around pop-up events. I’ll have much less space for stock, so things will be even more special. You’ll still be able to shop online at so-there-store.square.site– though it will be closed a for a bit while I transition.
What I’ll miss most…
Being more visible on Front Street has made is even more obvious how much I appreciate y’all. Friendly faces that have supported me (and my artists) through purchases, laughter, and kind words. Community leaders and businesses who are excited about artist businesses and continuing to fight to make Issaquah a creative, special place.
I also regret there will be one fewer creative/retail space in Historic Downtown. I have hopes that the hard work of the local organizations will rejuvenate the area. If you’re invested in keeping things special, please make sure to visit local businesses, and if you have time, get involved in the neighborhood organizations that support them.
Keep in touch…
If you have questions, thoughts, or are looking for something special reach out to me at [email protected] or @andsothere.

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