2024 Artist Opportunities

I have been happily working with other artists and makers for more than 12 years, and the TinyShop is another opportunity to do just that!

For 2024 I have three curated programs in Issaquah – the TinyShop, the TinyGallery, and the Historic Shell Holiday Shop. I have details on each below, but if you’d like to stay in the know about these and other opportunities, follow us @andsothere and join our (very infrequent) newsletter.

The TinyShop

The So There Studio + TinyShop is right in downtown Issaquah at 161 Front Street North. It serves as my studio and workspace as well as featuring an expanding selection of gifts from other local artists. I am slowly growing the collection, with a focus on function, whimsy, and cleverness. (Think stickers, home decor, cards, and accessories.) Currently items are purchased from the artists at wholesale prices and priced at MSRP. This is a small, carefully curated space so I can’t feature everyone, but I’m happy to take a look at your work virtually– do not bring your work into the shop to be viewed without an arranged appointment… seriously.

To have your work considered, please add your info to our artist list here or email Alison at [email protected]

**A note about wholesale- new makers often have some confusion about how pricing works. There are lots of resources for how to figure out pricing, but I find this post to be pretty helpful as a start.

The TinyGallery

For Summer and Fall 2024, So There Studio and TinyShop is excited to present the TinyGallery! With support from the City of Issaquah, we’re ready to show how arts can be supported in a big way in even the smallest of spaces. For more information, visit andsothere.com/issaquah-tinygallery/. To have your work considered, please add your info to our artist list here or email Alison at [email protected]

The Historic Shell Holiday Shop

2024 will mark the 10th annual Historic Shell Holiday Shop. Lots more information about it can be found on the blog as well as @shellholidayshop. Our artist application opens early October each year.